
Arden Foodbank and Waitrose food drive an unprecedented success

18th September 2024


On 22 March this year, supported by a social media campaign, Arden Foodbank held our most successful food drive ever with Waitrose in Alcester. We very much enjoyed chatting to shoppers, explaining about our work, and asking if they might consider adding just one item from our shopping list to their basket. Wow, did they respond. On the day our wonderful shoppers donated over 600 kilos of food. An amazing amount. We were blown away by people’s generosity. Waitrose for their part, also generously donated a further 20% for each 2 kilos of food collected. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone and to Waitrose. Those donations have made a big difference to the lives of people living in our local communities who cannot afford the basics.

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